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Ella R. Kelley, St.D., Ph.D

Founder & CEO


We Impart Ministry is a unique Christian based 501 (C-3) worldwide ministry established upon a solid foundation of Bible principles that reflect the love of God, designed to meet and nurture the needs of the whole man, the whole man being the spiritual, physical, emotional and social being from all walks of life, regardless of gender, age, race, creed, color or ethnic background, through love, seminars, programs, support groups, retreats, and conferences.

All of our ministries are prepared to accomplish their unique purpose and vision as we stand on the Word of God.


The goal and vision of W.I.M. is to provide in the spirit of love, challenging and motivating seminars, programs and support groups, to bring healing from the inside out.


Our mission is uniquely poised to help establish and build kingdom-minded ministries designed to meet and nurture the spiritual, physical, emotional and social needs of people from all walks of life, regardless of gender, race, creed, color or ethnic background. In addition, W.I.M will help build up and revitalize existing ministries/organizations through general advice, growth strategies and consultations.


Our purpose is to impart the unadulterated truth of the Holy Scriptures, Bible and Gospel of Jesus Christ for the development of the whole man/woman. To focus of the various issues that affect men, women, youth of all ages (e.g.abuse, health, parenting, family matters, finances, physical and mental well-being of each individual ); specifically, for areas of need such as physical, mental, spiritual, verbal and sexual abuses, ensuring the progression from a fragmentary life to one of wholeness. The core of our purpose is bound up in Luke 4:18.
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